It's easy to create a collection of your favorite images and send them to Ann & Kam to include in your album.

1.  If you don't already have a zenfolio account, go ahead and create one.  When viewing a gallery page, scroll to the bottom and click "login" in the bottom right-hand corner.  Create a username and password.  

2.  After you have logged in, go to your gallery and select your favorite images.  You can select images one at a time by click "add to favorites" when viewing single images.  You can also select multiple images at once:
- Click "select" at the top of the gallery
- Check the circles of the images you would like to add
- Click "add to favorites" at the top of the gallery
3.  Your Favorites will now be active at the upper left-hand corner of the page, you can click on it to open it and view your favorites together.
4.  Open your collection of favorites.  From here you can edit this collection, download the full collection, and send this collection to Ann & Kam.  Click "Send to" to send the collection.
5.  Fill out the form and click "share"